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The authority and responsibilities of, and relationships among the Education Bureau (EDB), school sponsoring bodies (SSBs) and incorporated management committees (IMCs) are summarised below:

The authority and responsibilities of, and relationships among the Education Bureau (EDB), school sponsoring bodies (SSBs) and incorporated management committees (IMCs)
the EDB Enforcing the relevant legislation; formulating policies and guidelines on education; setting and monitoring the standard of education services; allocating public funds to schools; and striving to serve as IMCs’ professional partner through the provision of support and advice.
SSBs Setting the vision and mission of school(s); giving general directions to IMCs in respect of school policy formulation; monitoring the performance of IMCs; and ensuring the accomplishment of mission through SSB managers.
IMCs Managing schools; formulating school policies in line with the vision and mission set by SSBs; undertaking the planning and management of finance, human resources, curriculum design and delivery, etc.; and being accountable for the performance of schools to the EDB and SSBs.

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