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A manager shall, at least once in every 12 months, make to the IMC a written declaration which  states:

  • any matter that raises a conflict with his duties as a manager
  • any matter that may raise a conflict with his duties as a manager
  • particulars of any direct pecuniary or other personal interest that he has in the matter of conflict
  • particulars of any indirect pecuniary or other personal interest that he has in the matter of conflict
  • no such interest

(Within one month after a change occurs in any matter stated in a declaration, another written declaration shall be made)

A manager shall also disclose the followings :

  • any interest that he has in a matter that is considered or is to be considered at a meeting of the IMC
  • particulars of a matter appears to raise a conflict with the proper performance of his duties as a manager in relation to the consideration of the matter

    (Unless the IMC otherwise determines, that manager shall not take part in any deliberation or decision with respect to the matter)

    (The IMC shall keep a register of interests of the declarations and disclosures made respectively)

    (The public is permitted to inspect the register of disclosures with respect to the matter being considered at a meeting of the IMC at any reasonable time)

Related Provisions:

Download :    Declaration and Disclosure of Pecuniary or Other Personal Interests (22 KB)

Download :    Sample Form for Declaration of Interests (22 KB)

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