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  • must be a manager of the school but must not be the principal or a teacher of the school;
  • shall be appointed by the SSB of the school or elected by the managers of the school in accordance with the constitution of the IMC.

Functions of Supervisor

  • preside over the meetings of IMC ;
  • give notice in writing to the Permanent Secretary that any manager, principal or teacher ceases to hold office, or any teacher is employed ; change of particulars in respect of the tenancy of the school premises and receipt or issue of a writ or other originating process by the IMC or the judgment in the proceedings ;
    Download : "Notice of Resignation, etc of Manager (Form IMC-5)"
    Download : "Notice of Vacation of Office of Manager (Form IMC-6)"
  • sign the statement of accounts ;
  • perform such functions as may be provided for in the constitution of IMC.

Related Provisions:

(Section 40AJ)  Supervisor

(Section 40AK)  Functions of supervisor

The Ordinance reduces the burden of supervisor of IMC school on the school management. For details, please refer to the following extract of relevant provisions:

Delegation of Functions

Related Provisions:

(Section 40AZ)    Delegation of functions

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