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  • Before recommending any person to be the principal, the IMC shall appoint a principal selection committee
  • A principal selection committee shall be composed of representatives of the SSB, managers of the IMC and (where applicable) such other persons as may be provided for in the constitution of the IMC
  • The SSB or the IMC or both as may be provided for in the constitution of the IMC shall nominate in an open, fair and transparent manner some suitable candidates for the principal selection committee to select
  • The IMC shall recommend the person selected by the principal selection committee to the Permanent Secretary as the principal of the school
  • Under certain circumstances, SSB may deploy principals among the sponsored schools :
    • the deploy is conducive to the professional development of the person concerned
    • the Permanent Secretary approves the application made by SSB

Related Provisions:

1. Question: How does an IMC select its principal as provided in the Ordinance?

Answer: The principal of a school should be selected in a fair, impartial and open manner.  Under the Ordinance, an IMC shall appoint a selection committee to select its school principal.  However, the sponsoring body has the power to re-deploy the principals of its schools under certain circumstances, for example, to alleviate redundancy of teachers arising from a reduction of classes or for the professional development of a particular person.  Under such circumstances, the sponsoring body can request the IMC of its school to terminate the appointment of a person as the principal of the school or recommend a person to be registered as the principal of the school.  According to the Ordinance, if the sponsoring body chooses not to exercise its power of re-deployment of principal, the IMC must appoint a selection committee to select its principal in compliance with the constitution of the IMC.


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