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Suggested learning time: approximately 80 minutes

The Primary Education Curriculum Guide (PECG), prepared by the Curriculum Development Council (CDC), has been published for use by schools in July 2024.  (EDBC No. 17/2024 "Ongoing Renewal of the School Curriculum: the Primary Education Curriculum Guide (2024) – Cultivate Values for Leaders of Tomorrow Create Space to Foster Whole-person Development")

(1) The Three Major Directions and Seven Major Renewed Emphases of the Ongoing Renewal of the Primary School Curriculum

Schools should conduct a comprehensive review of their curriculum in line with their educational objectives, development priorities, and student needs.  They should establish an overall curriculum plan that aligns with the learning objectives and focuses on the following "Three Major Directions" and "Seven major renewed emphases" to optimise curriculum planning.

The Three Major Directions and Seven Major Renewed Emphases of the Ongoing Renewal of the Primary School Curriculum

The Updated Seven Learning Goals of Primary Education

  • Understand our country and the Chinese culture, and cultivate a sense of belonging and national identity towards our country through national education and national security education; 
  • Know how to distinguish right from wrong, fulfil their duties as members of the family, society and our country, and demonstrate proper values and attitudes such as perseverance, respect for others, integrity and benevolence, as well as thoughtful and sensible judgements and behaviour; 
  • Be equipped with a solid knowledge base and perspectives across the eight Key Learning Areas (KLAs) to facilitate personal growth and development;
  • Be proactive in biliterate and trilingual communication; 
  • Develop generic skills and inquiry thinking holistically, and learn independently and actively; 
  • Cultivate an interest in extensive reading and develop an active reading habit, and use information and information technology in a rational and responsible manner; 
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, develop personal hobbies and talents, take pleasure in engaging in different communities, and foster interests and essential skills to appreciate aesthetic and physical activities in order to achieve balanced physical and psychological development.

Three major directions

  • Cultivating Values
  • Creating Space
  • Student-centred Learning

Seven major renewed emphases

  • Strengthening values education (covering national education [including patriotic education, national security education] and life education)
  • Making good use of learning time and creating space to promote a balanced physical and mental development
  • Enriching life-wide learning experiences and fostering whole-person development
  • Better catering for learner diversity
  • Reinforcing STEAM education, and nurturing students' media and information literacy
  • Strengthening cross-curricular learning and reading across the curriculum to develop students' lifelong learning capabilities
  • Enhancing assessment literacy for promoting learning and teaching effectiveness

(2) Video

Introduction on The Primary Education Curriculum Guide (PECG)
(Chinese Version Only)

[Video length: about 4 minutes]

Introduction on The Primary Education Curriculum Guide (PECG)


  1. How can school and curriculum leaders lead subject teams to align their curriculum planning with the updated seven learning objectives and ensure implementation by teachers within and beyond the classroom?
  2. How can SMC members review the progress and effectiveness of the school in implementing the Updated Seven Learning Goals for primary education?
    • Each subject committee should review their current curriculum in relation to the seven learning goals, "Three Major Directions" or "Seven Major Renewed Emphases".  They should submit relevant documents, and subject coordinators can report and discuss the implementation progress and effectiveness during SMC meetings.
    • SMC members can review and evaluate the school's progress and effectiveness in curriculum design through the school's "School Development Plan", "Annual School Plan" and school reports.  They can make appropriate adjustments when necessary.

Suggested Follow-up Activities

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