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Suggested learning time: approximately 30 minutes

Fundamental Principles

  • The election of alumni managers should be conducted by the recognized alumni association (RAA). The constitution of the RAA should specify that (I) its membership is open to all alumni of the school; (ii) only the alumni of the school may elect or become its office-bearers; and (iii) the system of alumni manager election is fair and transparent. An alumni association may need to amend its constitution in order to fulfil the conditions for recognition by the IMC/SSB.
  • If the RAA does not have any nomination for alumni manager(s) of the school, the IMC may, in accordance with section 40AP(5) of the Education Ordinance, nominate such number of persons for registration as alumni manager as may be provided for in its constitution.

Please read Section 40AP - Nomination of Alumni Manager of the Education Ordinance and Guide for Alumni Manager Election.

Suggested Follow-up Activities

Quiz in Alumni Manager Election   
Start here

Please read the alumni manager election document of your school to learn about the relevant election procedures or details.

Please select the content deemed appropriate and share or discuss with other school managers in order to strengthen your understanding of alumni manager election.

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