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Suggested learning time: approximately 15 minutes

Responsibilities of School Managers

  • Establishing effective communication channels, strengthening the sense of belonging among staff and building up a collaborative school culture
  • Developing a set of rational, fair and impartial policies and procedures to handle complaints from staff as well as from people outside the school

Handy Tips for School Managers ─ Human Resources Management
(Speaker: Mr WAI Pui-wah (Former supervisor) and Mr LAM Tat-yan (Former principal), Hong Kong Red Cross Margaret Trench School)

Handy Tips for School Managers ─ Human Resources Management


  1. Have effective formal and informal communication mechanisms been established to foster the participative culture among major school stakeholders, such as teachers, parents and alumni in order to ensure that they participate appropriately in school management and decision-making?
  2. When formulating/ revising school-related policies and measures, have opinions been collected from staff so as to strengthen the sense of belonging among staff and build up a collaborative school culture?

Suggested Follow-up Activities

Please share your views on what a comprehensive communication mechanism is with other school managers.  Has your school established a comprehensive communication channel with all stakeholders?

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