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Suggested learning time: approximately 15 minutes

In principle, there are 2 major functions and roles for the managers in an IMC, namely steering and monitoring.

Major steering roles, among others, include:

  • Ensure the effective performance of the school in relation to the School Development Plan, Annual School Plan and annual budgets;
  • Ensure the setting up of the control mechanism relating to the compliance of resolutions on Financial Management;
  • Ensure the reporting of the updated financial situation to the IMC; and
  • Ensure the school's preparation of annual accounts for external auditing.

Major monitoring roles, among others, include:

  • Look into and ensure proper follow-up action be taken on the non-compliance/irregularity cases, for example, non-compliance with the procurement guidelines/procedures and significant variations to the approved budget;
  • Recommend ways for improvement in the internal control procedures/mechanism including proper delegation of authority and segregation of duties;
    Set up and subsequently review the mechanism for budget variations/review to monitor the budgets and budgetary control (for example, proper approving levels for any deviation in the budget); and
  • Review the annual accounts before submission to the IMC for endorsement and to the EDB.

The IMC would consider to form committee(s) or task group(s) comprising IMC managers and other school personnel to undertake the duties of vetting/approving/monitoring the proposals (e.g. budget, procurements) where appropriate and necessary.

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