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Suggested learning time: approximately 50 minutes

This section mainly introduces school managers to the basic principles, elements, governance framework as well as implementation of SBM and composition of IMCs, etc. for school managers to grasp the essence and operation of SBM and thus manifests the spirit of SBM.


Please read the information note entitled "Introduction to SBM".

Composition of Incorporated Management Committees (IMCs)

(Section 40AL of the Education Ordinance)

Six Categories of School Managers

Six Categories of School Managers
Composition of IMC Number Alternate Manager
Sponsoring Body Manager Not exceeding 60% of the maximum number of managers* Not more than one
School Principal Ex-officio manager Not applicable
Teacher Manager Not less than one One where the constitution allows the nomination of not more than one teacher manager
Parent Manager Not less than one One where the constitution allows the nomination of not more than one parent manager
Alumni Manager One or more where such manager(s) is/are nominated Not applicable
Independent Manager Not less than one Not applicable

*In calculating the maximum number of sponsoring body managers, all alternate managers shall not be counted.


  1. What is SBM?
  2. Which six categories of school managers compose an IMC?

Suggested Follow-up Activities

Operation of IMCs

Please read Section 1 "Introduction to IMC" (P.2-5) of IMC Establishment and Operation and the information note entitled "IMC meetings".


  1. How many IMC meetings must be held at least per school year?
  2. What documents must the school mangers receive before holding the IMC meeting?

Suggested Follow-up Activities

Please read the "Constitution of IMC" of your school and Section 5 "Operation of IMC and Appendix 8" of IMC Establishment and Operation.

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