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Suggested learning time: approximately 60 minutes

Roles and Functions of School Managers – Self-Equipping to Move with Changing Times
(Speaker: Mr TONG Sau-chai, Henry, former SSB manager, Hong Kong Taoist Association The Yuen Yuen Institute No.3 Secondary School)

Roles and Functions of School Managers – Self-Equipping to Move with Changing Times


  1. What is the role of a sponsoring body manager?  What duties should he/ she fulfil?
  2. By what means does a sponsoring body manager monitor school operation?
  3. How does a sponsoring body manager equip himself/ herself so as to shoulder the duties of school managers?

Roles and Functions of School Managers – Achieving Mission for Whole Person Education
(Speaker: Prof LEE Albert, former SSB manager, St. Teresa Secondary School)

Roles and Functions of School Managers – Achieving Mission for Whole Person Education


  1. As a sponsoring body manager, how do you assist the IMC in school governance with your experience and knowledge?
  2. As a sponsoring body manager, how do you get the entire team of IMC to listen to each other’s views?
  3. As a sponsoring body manager, how do you promote school development and help students’ personal growth?

Suggested Follow-up Activities

Reflection Activities: (It is suggested recording the key points during the reflection process.)

  • Do you know your SSB well?  What is the vision and mission of your SSB?
  • By what means can you have a better understanding of your SSB (e.g. visiting the website of the SSB, reading relevant information of the SSB etc.)?
  • Do you find it difficult to be a sponsoring body manager?  Are there any resources and support systems which facilitate the discharge of your duties as a sponsoring body manager?

Quiz: Facts about Roles and Responsibilities of Sponsoring Body Managers
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