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Suggested learning time: approximately 80 minutes

This section provides highlights of the thematic seminars organised previously for school managers, so as to facilitate school managers to acquire, from the speakers’ legal explanation and case sharing in the video clips, knowledge related to school operation and governance, with a view to enhancing their governance capabilities.


Views in the videos are purely shared by the speaker in his/her capacity. They are for reference only and should not be construed as legal advice or recommendation, which schools should obtain in each particular case if necessary.

Before watching the videos, please think about the following questions:


  1. As the employer of school staff, what roles does an IMC play in human resource management?
  2. What should an IMC pay attention to when formulating human resource management policies?

Video 1

Handling Staff Complaints
(Speaker: Mr. CHAN Ting-kwong, Solicitor, Ms. LEE Man-yee, Anita, Solicitor and Mr. NG Yau-keung, Benjamin, former principal) (Chinese Only)

Handling Staff Complaints


  1. Do you know the mechanism in respect of staff complaint handling in your school?
  2. Has school established a fair, impartial and recognized school-based mechanism to handle complaints/ appeals made by people from school, and has the mechanism been reviewed regularly/ on a need basis? What areas can be improved or enhanced in the school-based mechanism?
  3. In handling certain complaints/appeals, schools may invite, for example, IMC managers, representatives of school sponsoring bodies and independent persons to set up a task force, depending on the nature and seriousness of the case. What are the reasons?

Video 2

The Benefits of Mediation
(Speaker: Mr. Albert SO, Solicitor) (Chinese version only)

The Benefits of Mediation

Video 3

The Soft Skills of Mediation
(Speaker: Mr. Albert SO, Solicitor and Ms. WONG She-lai, Shirley, former principal) (Chinese version only)

The Soft Skills of Mediation

Video 4

Settling Dispute with School Staff
(Speaker: Mr. Albert SO, Solicitor and Ms. WONG She-lai, Shirley, former principal) (Chinese version only)

Settling Dispute with School Staff


  1. Regarding the handling of conflicts between staff in the past, how can mediation be used to achieve a better result?
  2. If “mediation” is added to the school-based guidelines for handling complaints, do you think it will help to handle complaints and disputes? What are the reasons?

Suggested Follow-up Activities

Please read EDB document "Reference materials on Mediation" (in Chinese only).

Please read "DIY Kit on Prevention of Workplace Violence" on the website of Occupational Safety and Health in the Civil Service.

Please read "Cap. 620 Mediation Ordinance" of the Laws of Hong Kong.

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