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Suggested learning time: approximately 40 minutes

Roles and Functions of School Managers – Showing Gratitude to our Alma Mater 
(Speaker: Mr MA Wai-ming, Mawing (Former alumni manager) and Mr MA Wai-hung, Vincent (Supervisor), Chan's Creative School (Hong Kong Island))

Roles and Functions of School Managers – Showing Gratitude to our Alma Mater 


  1. How does an alumni manager map out the strategic plan for school development with the other school managers?
  2. How does an alumni manager participate in planning and understand school policies through liaison, listening and analysis?
  3. How does an alumni manager understand the needs of the school through active communication with stakeholders of the school, especially students, parents and teachers, so as to promote the school’s sustainable development?

Suggested Follow-up Activities

Please read Section 40AS - Provisions Applicable to Alternate Managers of the Education Ordinance.

Reflection Activities: (It is suggested recording the key points during the reflection process.)

  • Do you know the vision and mission of your school well?  Please think carefully and list the characteristics of, concerns of and resources available to the IMC of your school.
  • Please review your strengths and set a goal which is achievable during your tenure as an alumni manager.  What difficulties do you expect in achieving this goal?  How will you overcome them?
  • How do you equip yourself to discharge the duties of an alumni manager?

Quiz:Facts about Alumni Managers
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