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1. If there is only one alumni manager in an incorporated management committee (IMC), is it necessary to have one alternate alumni manager?

Question 1 Answer, Single Select
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2. An IMC is discussing at a meeting the promotion of an English teacher, who was the former teacher of the alumni manager.  However, the two sides have not been in contact since the graduation of the alumni manager.  Could the alumni manager participate in the discussion on the promotion of the English teacher concerned at the meeting?

Question 2 Answer, Single Select
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3. Which of the following is/are NOT the functions of an alumni manager?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 3 Answer, Multiple Select
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4. To promote communication and cooperation between the IMC and the alumni association, should an alumni manager report everything discussed at the IMC meeting to the alumni association?

Question 4 Answer, Single Select
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5. Elected by alumni, should an alumni manager be accountable to his/her “voters” by expressing at IMC meetings opinions endorsed by the alumni association and serving their interests?

Question 5 Answer, Single Select
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6. An alumni manager of a school often harangued in the meetings of the IMC, which seriously retarded the progress of the meetings and aroused the discontent of the other school managers.  Could the IMC pass a resolution to remove the alumni manager?

Question 6 Answer, Single Select
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7. An IMC of a school intends to set up a personnel appointment committee to handle the relevant selection procedures.  The alumni manager was appointed as the chairman of the committee by the IMC.  Although there was no conflict of interest involved, the alumni manager felt that the work of the committee had little to do with his/her identity as an alumnus.  Do you think he/she can be the chairman of the personnel appointment committee?

Question 7 Answer, Single Select
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