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Suggested learning time: approximately 30 minutes

Responsibilities of School Managers

  • Establishing an appropriate staff appraisal system, according to the actual situation of schools, to assess staff performance
  • Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the staff and formulating staff professional development policies
  • Reviewing regularly the content and format of appraisal mechanism to ensure the assessment truly reflects staff performance
  • Promoting a self-reflection and self-learning culture for self-improvement and pursuit of excellence
  • Formulating a set of open, fair and formal procedures for handling termination of employment
  • Handling the matters in accordance with the Education Ordinance, the Education Regulations, the Code of Aid, the Employment Ordinance and other laws of Hong Kong as well as circulars issued by the Education Bureau from time to time


  1. Are the standards of performance and assessment criteria made known to all staff?
  2. Regarding the staff performance appraisal, are the levels of staff responsible for reporting, counter-signing, and overall review of the appraisal reports defined?
  3. Is the policy of disciplinary action of the school reviewed regularly?
  4. Are disciplinary actions taken against underperforming staff properly recorded?

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