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1. When taking disciplinary actions against a teacher, for relatively minor and isolated cases of misconduct, such as occasional lateness for duty, it may take the form of either a verbal or written warning. 

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2. In child sexual abuse case involving school staff, the paramount concern is the welfare of the child. The principal should consult Family and Child Protective Services Unit of the Social Welfare Department or the responsible Police unit after interviewing the suspect.

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3. If a teacher with suspected misconduct tenders resignation, without giving sufficient notice, he/ she should be required to pay an amount equivalent to his/ her salary of the number of insufficient days of notice.  The amount is capped at the level of one months’ salary.  The IMC should not waive his/her payment in lieu of sufficient notice.

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4. An appeal mechanism should be in place whereby appeals are dealt with by the IMC/ SMC or a committee it appoints. Only appraiser should not serve on the committee.

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5. The appraisal of teachers should focus on the personality as well as the performance.

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6. All appraisal exercises should be documented. Schools should establish a filing system for keeping all staff appraisal records in line with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

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7. In the event that criminal proceedings are instituted against a staff member, if the offence is committed during office hours and it is duty-related, the staff member is obliged to report the proceedings to his/ her employer (i.e. the school). If a staff member is convicted of an offence by the court, disciplinary action may be imposed on him/ her by the school in consideration of the seriousness of the offence.

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8. If the teacher is suspended from his/her normal duties, such suspension will be regarded as carrying presumption of guilt implied.

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