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1. Under the principle of confidentiality, should all documents be tabled at the IMC meetings, rather than being delivered to managers beforehand?

Question 1 Answer, Single Select
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2. Could an acting principal register as an ex-officio manager?

Question 2 Answer, Single Select
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3. Should an IMC meeting be presided over by the school principal?

Question 3 Answer, Single Select
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4. The IMC constitution of a school stipulates that:

  1. the quorum for a meeting is not less than half of all the managers; and
  2. the IMC is composed of:
    • 7 sponsoring body managers and one alternate sponsoring body manager;
    • the principal (ex-officio manager);
    • 1 teacher manager and one alternate teacher manager;
    • 1 parent manager and one alternate parent manager;
    • 1 independent manager; and
    • 1 alumni manager.

There is no vacancy of manager in the IMC of the school and the registration of all managers have been completed. How many should be present at an IMC meeting to make the quorum as provided for in the constitution? 

Question 4 Answer, Single Select
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5. Further to the above question, there are nine managers attending the first IMC meeting of the current school year, who are

  • the supervisor; 
  • the principal (ex-officio manager); 
  • 2 sponsoring body managers and one alternate sponsoring body manager; 
  • 1 independent manager; 
  • 1 teacher manager and one alternate teacher manager; and
  • 1 alternate parent manager.

For this meeting, how many shall be counted for the purposes of establishing the quorum? 

Question 5 Answer, Single Select
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6. If a school supervisor is absent from Hong Kong for a period of more than 28 days for personal reasons, what follow-up actions should be taken by the IMC under the Education Ordinance?

Question 6 Answer, Single Select
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7. If a manager has been absent without the consent of the IMC from all IMC meetings in a school year, which of the following statements is true under the Education Ordinance?

Question 7 Answer, Single Select
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8. Under which of the following circumstances should a manager consider withdrawing from the discussion at an IMC meeting?

Question 8 Answer, Single Select
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9. Which of the following matters should be resolved at IMC meetings instead of by means of circulation of papers?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 9 Answer, Multiple Select
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