In financial management, there are two major functions and roles for the managers in an IMC, namely steering and monitoring. Building on the strength of the existing organisational structure of the school, the IMC should put in force relevant mechanism(s) with the participation of the IMC managers that play the steering and monitoring functions/roles in an efficient and effective manner. To avoid conflict of interests, it is not advisable for a manager to perform audits for a school even if the manager is a certified public accountant (practising). Instead, the school should hire an external auditor to audit the school account. However, the manager can perform the steering and monitoring roles under the relevant mechanism endorsed by the IMC, such as ensuring the school’s preparation of annual accounts for external auditing, recommending ways for improvement in the internal control procedures/mechanism, looking into and ensuring proper follow-up action be taken on the non-compliance/irregularity cases, etc.
For details, please refer to paragraphs 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 of “Guide to Financial Management for Aided Schools Operated by Incorporated Management Committee”.