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1. Under the Education Ordinance, what is the minimum number of independent managers in an incorporated management committee (IMC)?

Question 1 Answer, Single Select
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2. In an IMC, the independent manager may not be the most important manager.  As such, is it true that the independent manager does not have to attend every IMC meeting?

Question 2 Answer, Single Select
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3. When an independent manager gives advice on school development to the IMC, which of the following will provide a basis for consideration?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 3 Answer, Multiple Select
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4. If the independent manager of an IMC school is a certified public accountant (practising), which of the following is/are his role(s) and function(s)?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 4 Answer, Multiple Select
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5. Should an independent manager be returned by election under the Education Ordinance?

Question 5 Answer, Single Select
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6. Under the Education Ordinance, could only a professional be nominated as an independent manager?

Question 6 Answer, Single Select
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