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1. The constitution of a parent-teacher association states that retired teachers (including retired principals) can become “permanent members” who have voting right and right of candidature in the election of office bearers.  Do you think whether the incorporated management committee (IMC) of the school can recognize this body of persons as recognized parent-teacher association (RPTA), which will conduct the parent manager election, in accordance with the Education Ordinance?

Question 1 Answer, Single Select
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2. A primary school is organizing a parent manager election.  Which of the following person(s) can be a candidate standing for the parent manager election? (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 2 Answer, Multiple Select
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3. For a teacher whose child is attending his serving school, can he vote in the parent manager election?

Question 3 Answer, Single Select
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4. In a parent manager election, the ballot papers are issued on a family basis and each family is given one ballot paper.  Do you think such arrangement complies with the requirement of the Education Ordinance?

Question 4 Answer, Single Select
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5. During the epidemic, the RPTA has decided to continue with the parent manager election.  However, parents of cross-boundary students living in the Mainland are unable to vote in person in the school.  In this connection, parents are allowed to vote through email.  Is such arrangement appropriate?

Question 5 Answer, Single Select
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6. A parent has been elected as the parent manager and shall hold office for two years (from 1 September to 31 August two years later).  However, his child withdrew from school for personal reasons after the parent manager had held office for six months.  Will the term of office of the parent manager end when his child left school?

Question 6 Answer, Single Select
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7. Further to the above question, if the parent manager does not complete the tenure of office, how should the vacancy be dealt with?

Question 7 Answer, Single Select
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