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1. Does an alternate parent manager only attend incorporated management committee (IMC) meetings and take part in discussions when the parent manager is unable to do so?

Question 1 Answer, Single Select
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2. Under which of the following circumstances should a parent manager not take part in the discussion at an IMC meeting?

Question 2 Answer, Single Select
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3. As the parent manager, you were asked by several parents to propose in an IMC meeting to install an additional canopy at the school’s entrance, so that they can be sheltered from sun and rain when picking up their children.  Should you agree to their request?

Question 3 Answer, Single Select
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4. After an IMC meeting, should the parent manager report everything discussed to the parent-teacher association so as to play the role as a bridge of communication?

Question 4 Answer, Single Select
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5. Which of the following responsibilities should be assumed by a parent manager?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 5 Answer, Multiple Select
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6. In the event that both a parent manager and an alternate parent manager attend an IMC meeting, is it correct that the alternate parent manager should not be counted for the purposes of establishing a quorum?

Question 6 Answer, Single Select
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7. Under which of the following circumstances may an alternate parent manager vote on matters that should be resolved by voting at an IMC meeting?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 7 Answer, Multiple Select
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