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1. Aided schools established with an Incorporated Management Committee (IMC) could opt to obtain a cash grant by freezing up to 10% of their approved teaching establishment temporarily or permanently.  Which of the following is a teaching post for freezing?

Question 1 Answer, Single Select
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2. Which of the following is the information that schools should require the applicants to declare in the application forms for the posts and/or other related documents; and to provide details accordingly?

Question 2 Answer, Single Select
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3. Starting from the 2023/24 school year, which of the following newly-appointed teachers are required to pass the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST) in order to be considered for appointment?

Question 3 Answer, Single Select
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4. Under which of the following circumstances may an IMC approve the appointment of a monthly-paid temporary teacher in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the Code of Aid (COA)?

Question 4 Answer, Single Select
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5.  Which of the following staff appointment below is not required to undergo the Sexual Conviction Records Check?

Question 5 Answer, Single Select
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6. Which of the following is not the role of School Sponsoring Bodies (SSBs) / School Management Committees (SMCs) / IMCs in principals’ Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?

Question 6 Answer, Single Select
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7.  Starting from the 2020/21 school year, full-time teachers appointed to teach in public sector or direct subsidy scheme (DSS) schools for the first time are required to complete the following within the first three years of service:

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