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1. Elected by teachers, should a teacher manager answer to the “voters” and stand up for their rights since he/she serves as a representative of teachers?

Question 1 Answer, Single Select
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2. The principal and teachers are both school staff.  Is a teacher manager expected to, at IMC meetings, take the principal’s side and express views that are consistent with that of the principal in order to manifest team spirit?

Question 2 Answer, Single Select
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3. Does an alternate teacher manager serve as a “stand-in” for a teacher manager on an IMC and only attend IMC meetings when the teacher manager is unable to do so?

Question 3 Answer, Single Select
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4. Under which of the following circumstances may an alternate teacher manager vote on matters that should be resolved by voting at an IMC meeting?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 4 Answer, Multiple Select
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5. In the event that both a teacher manager and an alternate teacher manager attend an IMC meeting, should the alternate teacher manager be counted for the purposes of establishing a quorum?

Question 5 Answer, Single Select
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6. As for a school with an IMC where a teacher manager has been elected by teachers to represent them to have regular contact with school managers on the IMC, could its teacher consultative committee (i.e. a consultative committee between the IMC and school staff, however described) be disbanded, given that the teacher manager could relay views on teachers’ rights and complaints to the IMC direct?

Question 6 Answer, Single Select
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