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Suggested learning time: approximately 25 minutes

Responsibilities of School Managers

  • Setting criteria and procedures for staff selection
  • Observing the minimum entry requirements for the relevant staff as stipulated in the Code of Aid, and issuing letters of appointment and entering into agreement on the terms of contract with the staff concerned
  • Defining clearly the functional duties of promotion posts, and informing the staff accordingly
  • Ensuring an open, fair and transparent selection system
  • Reviewing regularly the assessment criteria and selection procedures
  • Preparing succession plans of teaching staff to meet the needs arising from school development and the implementation of education initiatives


Has the school formulated the following policies?

  1. Does your school ensure that appropriately qualified staff are employed? Does the appointment comply with the requirements of the Education Ordinance, the Education Regulations, the Code of Aid, the Employment Ordinance, other local laws (such as anti-discrimination ordinances) and the circulars issued by the Education Bureau (EDB) from time to time?
  2. Has your school checked the potential appointees’ teacher registration status, whether they have any criminal conviction record, whether they are involved in any ongoing criminal proceedings or investigations (including but not limited to arrest or apprehension by the police), or whether they were/are being investigated by schools or the EDB over professional misconduct allegations?  Has the school applied to the EDB for releasing information regarding the potential appointees’ teacher registration status and checked related information through the Sexual Conviction Record Check (SCRC) Scheme?  For appointment of teachers who have already left the teaching profession for one year or more, has the school required the potential appointees to declare whether they have been convicted of any criminal offence in Hong Kong or elsewhere and submitted the details to the EDB?
  3. Does your school ensure that the criteria and procedures for the appointment and selection of staff are fair, open and transparent?

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