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1. Under the Education Ordinance, which body of persons is responsible for managing a school with an incorporated management committee (IMC)?

Question 1 Answer, Single Select
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2. Which of the following statements is not true about the functions of an IMC manager?

Question 2 Answer, Single Select
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3. Is it correct that an IMC of a school may engage the service of such professionals or other persons it thinks fit and determine their remuneration?

Question 3 Answer, Single Select
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4. Is it correct that an IMC of a school cannot handle funds and assets received from the Government in the capacity of a trustee?

Question 4 Answer, Single Select
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5. Which of the following is/are the function(s) of an IMC manager in personnel management?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 5 Answer, Multiple Select
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6. Which of the following is/are NOT the role(s) and function(s) of IMC managers in financial management?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 6 Answer, Multiple Select
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7. When formulating the curriculum policy, should an IMC manager review school policies to ensure that they are in line with school curriculum development and conducive to creating a favourable learning environment for students?

Question 7 Answer, Single Select
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8. Which of the following is/ are the role(s) and function(s) of an IMC manager in formulating the curriculum policy?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 8 Answer, Multiple Select
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9. Is it correct that an alternate manager of an IMC does not have to perform all functions of managers, such as attending all IMC meetings, participating in discussions, proposing agenda items and speaking on the items?

Question 9 Answer, Single Select
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10. What is/are the fundamental principle(s) of ethics that an IMC manager should observe?  (More than one answer may be correct.)

Question 10 Answer, Multiple Select
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11. A manager of a school shall make declaration of any pecuniary or other personal interests annually.  If a change occurs in any matter stated in such declaration, is it true that the manager who made the declaration will not have to make to the IMC another written declaration which states the change?

Question 11 Answer, Single Select
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12. If an IMC manager performs his/her duties in good faith, is it true that he/she shall not incur any civil liability?

Question 12 Answer, Single Select
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